How Can You Turn Back Time With Cosmetic Surgery?
Posted August 1, 2022 in Facial Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Candidates6 Minute Read: The purpose of plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments is to allow people the chance to refine and adjust their appearance so that they can look and feel their very best. One of the most common reasons why men and women seek out cosmetic procedures is the frustration of looking older than they […]
What Is a Mommy Makeover, and What Can It Do for You?
Posted June 15, 2022 in Mommy Makeover Category6 Minute Read: While motherhood is easily one of the most important and beautiful things a woman can experience, the toll that childbearing has on a woman’s body can be drastic. Everything from pregnancy to childbirth to breastfeeding can wreak havoc on the body, altering it in ways that can make many women feel self-conscious […]
Should Smokers Get Plastic Surgery?
Posted April 1, 2022 in Plastic Surgery Candidates, Plastic Surgery Preparation3 Minute Read: We all have heard about the dangers of smoking. However, just because you choose to smoke, does that mean that you aren’t able to have plastic surgery? Well, it’s a complicated answer that will be explored below, but the short answer is that men and women who are looking to improve their […]
Why Do Women Get Their Breast Implants Removed?
Posted March 3, 2022 in Breast Revision, Breast Surgery3 MinuteRead: Many women undergo breast augmentation surgery and remain happy with their implants for many years. However, some become unhappy with their breast implants for a variety of reasons and choose to have them removed. This decision may be medically or aesthetically motivated. Medical Reasons to Have Breast Implants Removed Rupture and capsular contracture […]
A New Body for the New Year!
Posted December 15, 2021 in Liposuction Category, Tummy Tuck Category2 Minute Read: Have you had trouble losing weight? Are you unhappy with your figure? Do you feel your clothes are constantly too tight, making you self-conscious about wearing certain outfits? Perhaps it’s time for a new body for the new year! Like many, you may find that a few pounds creep on as you […]
Is Plastic Surgery a Solution for Obese Patients?
Posted October 7, 2021 in Plastic Surgery Candidates3 Minute Read: Carrying around a few extra pounds is common. In fact, according to 2017-2018 statistics by the CDC, obesity prevalence was over 42 percent in American men and women. Many people desire to lose weight. For some, this is for aesthetic reasons. Maybe they want to look better in their favorite date-night dress; […]
What to Avoid Before and After Invasive Surgery
Posted August 11, 2021 in Plastic Surgery Preparation, Recovery3 Minute Read: In 2020 alone, over 15 million surgical or minimally invasive cosmetic procedures were done in the United States. With so much interest in surgical and non-surgical procedures, such as tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, and injectable treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic and fillers, it is helpful to understand what must be done before […]
What Are the Best Plastic Surgery Procedures for Summer?
Posted June 2, 2021 in Breast Surgery, Liposuction Category, Tummy Tuck Category2 Minute Read: Summer is finally here! It is not uncommon to start thinking about your beach body as you prepare for different summer activities. You may be feeling insecure about certain areas of your body, and the idea of bathing suits and summer clothing can seem daunting. When you are not feeling confident, it […]
My Teenager Wants Plastic Surgery: Are They Too Young?
Posted April 5, 2021 in Breast Reduction, Teenage Plastic Surgery3 Minute Read: The question of whether teens should undergo plastic surgery can be a thorny subject. In recent years, teenage plastic surgery has become more prevalent. As a parent, you want what is best for your children, but how do you tell if your teen is old enough to consider plastic surgery as an […]
Nonsurgical Valentine’s Day Gifts
Posted February 1, 2021 in Non-Surgical Procedures2 Minute Read: Has your significant other always talked about wanting nonsurgical procedures, such as lip injections or laser treatments? Have you had trouble coming up with the perfect Valentine’s Day gift? Many nonsurgical plastic surgery options help increase confidence and correct areas of the face and body that people are commonly self-conscious about. With […]