How Much Does Mommy Makeover Surgery Cost?
Posted January 30, 2025 in Mommy Makeover CategoryA Mommy Makeover offers patients the chance to take their bodies back after childbirth and aging, but how much is the cost? This blog discusses what goes into the cost of Mommy Makeovers, how to get a cost estimate, and what to talk about during your consultation.
What Can a Mommy Makeover Achieve?
A Mommy Makeover is one of the most transformational cosmetic operations a woman can get. Naturally, a procedure that combines multiple procedures in one is sure to live up to its name as a “makeover.” By targeting areas of the body most affected by aging, pregnancy, and childbirth, a Mommy Makeover essentially offers an overhaul of the breasts, abdomen, and areas with excess fat for a totally new you.
So, what’s the cost of transformation? Mommy Makeovers can range from $9,000 to $20,000, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, but in order to narrow it down, you’ll have to understand a few factors that go into the price of a Mommy Makeover.
How to Determine the Cost of a Mommy Makeover
The cost of a Mommy Makeover is determined by a variety of factors, each unique to the patient and their plastic surgeon. We’ll discuss these options below.
The Cost of Each Procedure
Mommy Makeovers are highly customized, as you have the choice of which procedures you want to include in your Mommy Makeover, and then your surgeon will further tailor each procedure to your anatomical and aesthetic needs. For example, you may choose a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and liposuction of the hips. Within those choices, you may have a lesser lift with a lollipop incision for your breast lift and a mini tummy tuck that focuses on the lower abdomen. These choices will all vary from one patient to the next; therefore, the cost of each procedure will vary.
The cost of the procedure is usually included in the surgeon’s fees or surgical fees. This includes the cost of performing each procedure ( the breast lift, mini tummy tuck, and liposuction), with differences in cost depending on the type of lift (lollipop or anchor scar lift) or which tummy tuck one chooses (mini or full tuck).
If you have an idea of what procedures you are interested in, you can get a rough cost estimate of each and then add them together to get a starting point, but the best way to know is to schedule a consultation with your surgeon—more on that later.
Anesthesia Fees, Facility Fees, and Differences in Geography
Other factors include the cost of your anesthesia; there’s little variation in this, as you will not likely have the option to have local anesthesia for a Mommy Makeover—these are always performed using general anesthesia. There may be variations in the length of the surgical times depending on the procedures you choose and their complexity. The longer you’re in surgery and under anesthesia, the more you have to pay for anesthesia fees.
Facility fees are another variable, as these cover the cost of being in the operating room: nursing staff, supplies, and the room itself. Surgeons with their own accredited surgical suites have more control over the facility fees and are typically less expensive than if your surgery is performed in a hospital. Moreover, Mommy Makeovers have the added benefit of only needing one surgical center stay and one session of anesthesia, as opposed to undergoing multiple procedures in separate operations, as in that case, you’d have to pay multiple times for anesthesia and the facility.
Lastly, surgeons who are located in large metropolitan areas command higher fees for a number of reasons, including a higher concentration of competitors, more expensive overhead, etc. Seeing a plastic surgeon in a less densely populated area may yield a cheaper option.
What to Discuss During Your Mommy Makeover Consultation
Your consultation is an important step in your Mommy Makeover process for multiple reasons:
- You can ask questions about the procedure steps, recovery, etc.
- You can get advice on which procedures will suit you
- Your surgeon will create a surgical plan for you
- You get a cost estimate
During your consultation, be sure to ask about their surgical facilities, the procedures they recommend for your Mommy Makeover, the techniques they plan to use, and how many times they’ve performed Mommy Makeovers. They are there to help you feel comfortable with your decision and to give you the expert guidance only they can provide.
It may be helpful to think about which procedures you’re interested in, write them down, and then write out any questions you have surrounding the procedures, recovery, and results. That way, you get as much information as you need to move forward confidently. At the end of your consultation, they will draft a surgical plan for you and provide you with their unique cost estimate that includes all of the above factors.
Ready to Learn More About Mommy Makeovers in Scottsdale, AZ?
Dr. Spies is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has served the Scottsdale community for over 35 years. With decades of experience and a focus on patient-centered care, Dr. Spies offers guidance and expert skills in performing Mommy Makeovers. Call Dr. Spies to schedule your comprehensive consultation at (480) 359-1019 or by filling out the contact form.