
Pregnancy After Breast Implants

Posted November 15, 2016 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants

While some women are interested in breast implants after pregnancy, others find themselves wanting to get pregnant when they already have breast implants. Pregnancy after breast augmentation is entirely possible and in many cases does not affect the appearance of the breasts. However, women who are considering pregnancy with breast implants should understand the pros and cons of undergoing these two life-changing experiences in this order.

Effects of Pregnancy on the Breasts

Pregnancy causes a woman’s breasts to swell as they prepare to provide milk for the baby. For many women, the breasts diminish in size again after pregnancy. However, the effects of pregnancy often leave the breasts deflated and saggy. Consequently, many women pursue breast augmentation post-pregnancy so that implants can improve the volume and firmness of their deflated breasts.

Effects of Breast Implants on Pregnancy

Reversing the order of these two experiences (i.e., getting implants before becoming pregnant) does not affect pregnancy itself. However, there is a chance that it will compromise the results of your breast augmentation. For instance, a woman who was happy with her breast implants prior to pregnancy may find that the swelling and deflation of her breasts leads to diminished breast firmness after pregnancy. Similarly, a woman with breast implants may find that the swelling of the breasts during pregnancy leads to increased breast sagging, generating a need for breast lift surgery. Finally, women with a periareolar incision scar may have a decreased ability to breastfeed after pregnancy.

Effects on Choice

pregnantwomanholdingbellyWhile these effects can occur, they do not occur for every woman who becomes pregnant after breast augmentation. Many women do not consider these low risks reason enough to postpone getting breast implants until after they are through having children. According to statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, nearly 150,000 American women ages 19 to 34 underwent breast augmentation in 2015 compared to just over 60,000 women from that same age range who underwent the procedure in 1997. This is an astonishing 135 percent increase in the number of breast augmentation procedures for women of this age group. At the same time, the National Center for Health Statistics reports that national birth rates are at a record low for women under 30 but are rising for women ages 30 to 44, especially for women ages 35 to 44. These trends indicate that more women are choosing breast augmentation at an earlier age, while more women are putting off pregnancy until a later age. It is safe to assume that some of these women who have postponed pregnancy have breast implants.

Should I or Shouldn’t I?

There is no question that pregnancy after breast implants is considered safe. However, women who intend to have multiple pregnancies and women who desire large implants may want to consider delaying breast augmentation if they are concerned about how pregnancy could affect the appearance of their breasts. Women who wish to breastfeed after breast augmentation should consider choosing the inframammary incision to avoid the possibility of complications.

On the other hand, many women experience no detrimental effects from having breast implants during pregnancy, so there may be no reason to delay the procedure. Breast augmentation enhances the appearance of the breasts and may instill self-confidence and positive self-image during pregnancy. If you have a strong desire to undergo breast augmentation now before having any children, doing so may be right for you. For most women, getting breast augmentation now when you may have children at some point in the future should not present any issues or concerns.

If you are considering breast augmentation and would like more information about how breast implants could affect your pregnancy or how they could affect the appearance of your breasts after pregnancy, contact us to learn more. If you have been pregnant with breast implants and wish to improve the appearance of your breasts, Dr. Spies can perform breast lift surgery or breast revision to enhance your appearance and help restore your feminine, pre-baby figure. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Spies, please call (480) 359-1019 or complete our online contact form today.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Spies is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and highly experienced in breast lift surgery for over 35 years. If interested in undergoing this procedure, please feel free to call 480-359-1019 to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019