
Cellulite Control Product Announcement

Posted April 19, 2017 in Cellulite, Oraser® Cellulite Control Body Smoothing Crème

Oraser® Cellulite Control Body Smoothing CrèmeAlthough cellulite is extremely common in women of all shapes and sizes, its presence is no less undesired. In almost every case, rigorous diet and exercise or even cosmetic surgery cannot improve its appearance. Oraser® Cellulite Control Body Smoothing Crème effortlessly tones and firms the areas most susceptible to dimpled skin texture for the ultimate slimming effect. The hips, thighs, and buttocks appear smooth and flawless with consistent use of this clinically proven blend of ingredients. This cutting-edge Obagi®  product restores hydration and prevents new fat deposits from accumulating for an overall firm and slender body contour.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Spies is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and highly experienced in breast lift surgery for over 35 years. If interested in undergoing this procedure, please feel free to call 480-359-1019 to schedule a consultation.

Office Facade

Verified Realself

Dr. Spies' office is located in Paradise Valley, Arizona, adjacent to the Paradise Valley Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Robert J. Spies, M.D.
5410 N Scottsdale Rd C 100
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 480-359-1019